ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 10月31日 14時24分

Photo by @jtkerby | These are not the fangs of a vampire, but rather the huge canines of a male gelada monkey. These large teeth are primarily used for fighting or signaling other monkeys, or even as a defense against predators. They are not, however, used for hunting other animals because geladas live on a diet that is almost totally comprised of grass and herbs. To survive on this strange diet (for a monkey), geladas have also evolved specialized molars that researchers at the Guassa Gelada Research Project (study led by NatGeo Young Explorer Vivek Venkataraman [@vivekvasivvv]) have found allow them to chew more efficiently than any other primate species. You're unlikely to bump into these specialized teeth anytime soon unless you find yourself in the chilly highlands of Ethiopia as geladas can be found nowhere else! | Shot #OnAssignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック alongside fellow photographer @tbfrost. | Additional generous support from the #NatGeo #ExpeditionsCouncil | #Guassa #Ethiopia #Primate #Nature #Gelada #Wildlife #Monkey | More monkey and behind the scenes photos from life in the the field @jtkerby


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