グッチのインスタグラム(gucci) - 10月30日 20時20分

Macs Iotti (@macsiotti) is a visionary. He understands how others see things well before they do, which is why he was one of the first Italian creatives to seize the opportunities to connect with people made possible by a platform like Instagram. He collaborates frequently with top photographers like Roe Etheridge and Ryan McGinley, distilling their styles into realities that communicate more directly with the viewer. His feed is also a kind of pulse of reality itself, of abstract inspiration like thinly sliced polished pieces of translucent stone, or someone’s desperate bathroom scribble of the word “SEX.” There’s a focused quality to his images, which are often black-and-white or only a restrained palette. They are shot in such a way that they seem only and entirely to be about their subject. These are glancing captures that link the fanciful inspirations of fashion to their actual real-life moments. For his remix of #GucciGram, Iotti deconstructed #GGBlooms into individual fronds or flowers, and set them in motion, overlaying strobing dots and colors, so it feels like we’re traveling inside the patterns to a soundtrack of songbirds. See more through link in bio.
Text by @epsteinian

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Michelle Lewinのインスタグラム
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