エマニュエル・シュリーキーのインスタグラム(echriqui) - 10月23日 09時20分

Vote for my girl @carlagugino
She rocked it in #San Andreas, AND in #WaywardPines...read below cause it's 2 different categories. #actionstar #scifi #Amazingactress
Link is in her bio...thx you guys...xoxoxoE
Let's get down to the nuts and bolts here. Ok so, lots of people have been asking where to #vote for me to be #nominated for the #peopleschoiceawards so the link is now in my bio. When you go to it, you will scroll to find Favorite Action Movie Actress if you want to vote for #SanAndreas and Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Actress (Quite a title ?) if you want to vote for #waywardpines. And thank you to @danielagermany for posting this. ? Whew. Hopefully that's clear now. And regardless of whether I actually get nominated or not, I am so #grateful to y'all for taking the time to vote. Let's give it back to THE PEOPLE!! #lovemyjob #letshavesomefun #myfansrock ?


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