DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 10月14日 05時11分

Are you #teamphillip or #teamdarren ?

Pick which personality suits you best and let us know whether you're more like Darren or Phillip.
Darren aka captain needy pants. ? Always silly/goofing around
? Outgoing (known to be seen by your friends as 'loud' and 'hypo' and, behind your back, 'annoying at times')
? Athletic
? Has to be the centre of attention
? known to get a little needy. (human version could be prone to repeat crazy person texting without a response WHERE ARE YOU, WHO IS SHE etc etc)
? Lovable, derpy and always keen to make everyone laugh.

Phillip aka grocery ninja
? Prioritises food and sleep over anything else.
? Lazy by nature, despises any form of activity what so ever. Unless it's sprinting (to the fridge) or high-jumping (up to the kitchen counter to get to the roast dinner) then wants absolutely NO part of it. ? Known to have an #RBF (resting bitch face). (Human version could be known around the office to be a total snob because you rarely ever smile. But deep down you're a really nice person, they just don't take the time to get to know you). ? Selective on who and when anybody may be allowed to touch you. Because you ain't 'easy' like that
? Gentle. Soft, and knows how to love.
? If you're at home, pyjamas/tracksuits are on. Always.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



