Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 10月6日 10時42分

Today is the fourth year without Steve Jobs on the Planet. Personally, I regret his departure immensely. Some people Love him, some hate him, some admire him. I both Love and admire him. A genius and a visionary will always be criticized by the uninformed crowd. And for sure he was both a visionary and a genius. In my opinion, his biggest contribution to humanity was the fact that he gave power to the people by unleashing the creativity of human's by creating the App Store. He put in the hands of people all around the world the most sophisticated technology to express themselves and change the world. They say that he was a super tough individual, but in this world where mediocrity and lack of self respect seem to be the everyday bread, I can understand him.
I built OUR Foundation with his iPhone, with one of the apps sold in his store (Instagram), and with my children's Hearts. That conquered your Love.
So thank you Steve Jobs for making this world a better place. You brought all of us one step closer to Unity.
In Lake'ch

#BEHUMAN #saveourplanet #blackjaguarwhitetiger #stevejobs


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