トニー・ホークのインスタグラム(tonyhawk) - 10月1日 04時18分

Stacking inverts with @andymac720 a few years ago. We did this once at my ramp (on video) and I never wanted to do it again because it was so scary. Andy kept suggesting that we revisit it in order to get a proper photo, to which I was unresponsive. He was persistent and I finally agreed, under the condition that @atibaphoto shoots it. Here is the result... but it didn't get any less scary the second time around. Thanks to Andy & Atiba for the efforts. And don't try this at home.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




The Macallanのインスタグラム
The Macallanさんがフォロー
