キャリー=アン・モスのインスタグラム(carrieannemoss) - 9月24日 10時23分

#Repost @loveannapurnaliving ・・・
@drdebkern writes on #AnnapurnaLiving today: "Last week as I was helping my son pack for a 2 week trip to California with his swim team, I found myself feeling the same kind of ‘not wanting to let him go’ feelings I had on the first day of preschool. After he left for his big adventure I found myself feeling a sort of dull ache in my heart. Sort of a homesick kind of feeling. I have those feelings often. Not just for my son, but for people I love deeply. Over the years I’ve learned that I tend to over-nurture and hold on in co-dependent ways—and having worked with hundreds of clients, I realize I’m not alone in those tendencies! So I’ve developed a practice that helps me and my clients let go of people we love so that they—and we—are free." Read more on AnnapurnaLiving.com and share with anyone you know who could use these words! #lettinggo #healing #loveritual #howtosetsomeonefree #drdebkern #release #relationships #energycords #energy #howto


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