ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 9月23日 11時35分

Walid Lebad with his family at Zaatari, the eight-square-mile #refugee camp near Jordan’s border with Syria. Walid started a garden seven months ago, using soil from a construction project on the camp’s outskirts and water recycled from his family’s baths and cooking. The onions and garlic he planted failed, but a few green tomatoes and slim stalks of corn have sprouted, along with waist-high sunflowers whose faces follow the sun as it crosses the desert camp. Until recently, virtually every family here imagined an imminent return to #Syria as soon as President Bashar al-Assad fell. Now, many see their beloved homeland as lost, and grudgingly accept that #Zaatari is somewhere they will be for a while. @samuel_aranda13 photographed Walid and his family while on #nytassignment in Jordan.

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