マッティ・ロジャーズのインスタグラム(mattierogersoly) - 9月12日 12時24分

Don't hate me for this Coby!!! Just came across this video from about 8 months ago and couldn't help it. Last December (32 lbs, 11 years old) to today at 95%ish (40kg/88 lbs, 12 years old) which is over his body weight. The kid is just an animal, there's no other way to explain it. You've come a longgg way my little tiger ? ?and it's STILL just the beginning! @cobyrhodes @mjbjerre @melika114 @camargo_oly #OGnugget #hehatesme #longlivethehuglook #thefuture #comebacktomeafterfootball #nuggetstrong ps: rude/inappropriate comments will be deleted immediately, so don't bother ✌?️ we're all professional instacoaches and doctors, I know.


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