クリス・プラットのインスタグラム(prattprattpratt) - 9月9日 05時45分

If you're wondering why my thumbnail is so jankey it's because my character is gross and I'm a method actor and haven't showered in 6 months.

But also... LOOK AT THIS THING WTF!? While filming the #MagnificentSeven just north of Las Vegas, New Mexico I found this bug which is either some kind of alien OR I discovered some kind of new species. Just in case I am applying for a patent so legally you must call it a #NinjaHopper or else you can see me in court. Also I named him Goliath.
I bravely carried Goliath around and showed people. Was this dangerous? Yes. But does it make me some kind of hero? Yes.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



