オリンピックのインスタグラム(olympics) - 9月1日 23時21分

The BMX track for the @リオ五輪2016 Olympic Summer Games is finished. Built in the Deodoro Sports Complex, the track has 350-metre (women's circuit) and 400-metre (men's circuit) courses, and occupies an area of about 4,000 square metres. Although its inauguration is scheduled officially for 3 October - when 96 athletes from 30 countries are expected for the International BMX Challenge marking the test event -, the circuit is now complete. The track is made of clay with extremely thin crust asphalt in the corners. The ripples were placed with intervals of 10 metres, enabling route options to the athlete, such as jumping 10 metres by 10 metres with higher speed and more risk, or following the trace on the ground, with less speed and more safety. These are obstacles for triple or double jumps, two table tops and a "rhythm section" – a sequence of jumps and short barriers that allow the rider to pace and flow in the last line to the arrival. After the Olympic Games, not only high-performance athletes will be able to train on the equipment, which will be part of the X-Park, but also 1.5 million people from 10 districts and three close municipalities will be able to venture into the undulations of the professional circuit. Source: Rio City Hall. Photo: @cidadeolimpica #roadtorio


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