キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月1日 13時14分

Day 1 #BasicYogaMix is Virabhadrasana A, Warrior I. Are you ready to join us for this month's challenge? Leave us a comment, tag a friend to join! We've missed you last month and we are excited to get back into being inspired by your daily challenge posts ?

We start off with Virabhadrasana A. This foundational standing poses builds both strength and flexibility. Aim to eventually keep the thigh of the forward leg parallel with the ground. Stack the torso over the hips evenly and lift the rib cage along the center line. Engage the quads, firm the pelvic floor and press down through the feet. But more than anything yoga is about cultivating the brave heart of the spiritual warrior within yourself. So focus on alignment, feel the body and always train the mine to the innermost awareness of the true self.

Join our practice session specifically designed to partner with each day of this challenge on our #BasicYogaMix online course (link in bio): www.yogachallenge.com

Check @beachyogagirl for another option. Outfit by @ALO Yoga Video by @ifilmyoga


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