テイラー・ペンバートンのインスタグラム(pemberton) - 8月28日 17時53分

Summer in North Korea.
I know it's easy to be critical of the DPRK with the vast information that is available today. There is a large amount of hard-earned evidence and observation that shines light on North Korea's downsides (whether it be oppression, disparity, or general failure to cooperate). And while Pyongyang and my tour is an obvious centerpiece for North Korean showmanship, I hope some of these photographs can simply exist, if for no better reason than to communicate a slice of life that we can all relate to. I remember growing up with warm summer nights, first learning to play roller hockey with my brothers in the neighborhood streets. Or the time I learned to ride a bike in a secluded parking lot, much like the one pictured here. While our situations are obviously much different, there is a nice simplification of youth to be seen and felt. I don't have all the answers about what's real or fake in North Korea, but I'm sure of the fact that we all witnessed small slivers of normal emotion that we're all able to understand and relate to. #contrateur


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