パク・ユチョン(ファンアカウント)のインスタグラム(6002yoochun) - 8月20日 21時05分

[Yoochun's Weibo Live Chat]

Q: Has your Chinese improved now? Did you learn any interesting words?

YC: "Meng meng da" [T/N: An internet fad which means extremely cute]

Q: If you don't reply me today, I won't eat!

YC: You must eat...or else your mother will be sad.

Q: What do you want to do during this time before enlisting?

YC: Deeply capturing the taste of homecook food in my mind.

Q: Have you thought about keeping a goatee/moustache?

YC: I really wanted! But it doesn't suit my face!

Q: What's your favorite color?

YC: Blue~

Q: Mom's asking me why am I kneeling down while using Weibo.

YC: Watch out for your knees...hehe

Q: Do you like girls with or without bangs?

YC: Without.

Q: Do you think chubby girls are cute? Answer honestly.

YC: Men's standard of chubbiness I think, is different from women's standards.

Cr. Yochwennie


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




