ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月19日 14時52分

Photo @Cory Richards words by @md_jenkins "When I reach the ridge and push my ice-crusted face into the sun, it’s like poking my head into heaven. The sudden warmth renews my hope. I pull my body onto the ridge, and a blanket of sunlight envelops me. After the dark, soul-sucking cold of the north face, it feels like rebirth.

Renan and Cory have dropped over the ridge to get out of the wind and discovered a stone platform hanging above the south face. The sun is spread over the rock like honey. “Lunch ledge!” I bellow, christening our aerie.

Within minutes I’ve got our tiny stove roaring. Renan takes off his boots and begins rubbing his toes. Cory gets out his camera and begins snapping pictures. After more than a week of climbing, this is the first time we can actually see the summit: a steep, shining pyramid of snow. But we can also see what we have left to climb: a menacing, serrated ridge of rock and snow, guarded by a dozen dagger-like pinnacles." The story of the Myanmar expedition is out now in the new @ナショナルジオグラフィック ! Check it out! @thephotosociety @natgeocreative @エディー・バウアー #antieverest


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Michelle Lewinのインスタグラム
Michelle Lewinさんがフォロー

