ティモシー・サイクスのインスタグラム(timothysykes) - 8月10日 03時27分

Let's see if you can guess how much money I have here? Money can't buy happiness but it does buy freedom & most of the happy people I know are free, not enslaved to jobs they hate. I can't promise you my teachings will make you happy nor do I guarantee profits but I do promise to teach you everything I had to learn entirely on my own, the hard way, over 15 years of trial & error in the stock market & that has the power to make you financially free. I only wish someone had offered to guide me early in my career as it would've saved me from making SO many boneheaded mistakes & allowed me to make my millions far sooner. So if you want me to change your life with my teachings/knowledge, I'll give you everything I am & have learned over the years but you have to promise to be dedicated and to follow my instructions to a T! Leave a comment if you're interested & go apply to be my student using the link in my bio...CNN, Reuters & Businessweek have already featured my first few millionaire students but I'm just getting started & I want many more millionaires created from scratch using my teachings! #ProudTeacher #Millionaire_Mentor #FinancialFreedom #StacksOnStacks #DailyMotivation #DailyInspiration #JewStacks


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