ネネ・リークスのインスタグラム(neneleakes) - 8月5日 00時53分

Breakfast on the beach with this guy! I'm not a real breakfast eater? I know I know (say it wit me) it's the most important meal of the day! I'm not a fan chile? The other day I posted a pic in my swimwear and for those of you who don't know but have only formed opinions from TV I've never been a big eater! I'm more of a picker and have a bad habit of working all day and NOT eating which hasn't worked in my favor (I'm learning tho) I continue to eat small portions but I've learned to delete a lot of sugars from my diet and I'm a BIG fan of vitamins?I take all kind! It does a body good? PS: that swimwear pic was me on cocktails & lots of food hunni! I been eating for days on this vaca. Catch me when I'm not? I'll post more later abt some of my food choices just for fun? #gettingbacktome #ialwaysliveinmytruth


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