goproのインスタグラム(gopro) - 7月25日 07時45分

GoPro Featured Photographer - @jensen_granger

About the Shot: It was the last day of our #HERO4Session production in Panama, and we had just come down from shooting the last sunset. Everyone was pretty tired, but we had been talking about experimenting with a night shoot. Even though @nateadams741 was beat, he got suited up and we headed out to the beach. Nate dug in a berm with little to no light, while I did some exposure testing. It took a bit of work to get it right, but before long we were nailing some rad shots.
How the Shot was Captured: First off, THIS IS A MERGE OF TWO IMAGES! I used two Speedlights to freeze the motion, one behind and one in front. Its tough to line the action up between the two lights. Once I nailed the action portion, it was time to expose for the stars. I opened up the shutter to a 30 second exposure to pull the starlight in, and took a few shots with varied ISO. In post, we used the star image for the background, and the action image for the foreground for a nice blend. Camera was set to ISO 800 with Medium Sharpening to hold edge sharpening, and a 5 second exposure to cut on light bleed. #GoProMoto #Panama #nextlevel


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