Instagramのインスタグラム(instagram) - 7月22日 22時17分

As a nursing student from a small town in the American Midwest, Alex Potter (@alexkpotter) might not have imagined living through airstrikes and civil war in the Middle East. But a university trip to Jordan sparked an interest in learning Arabic and led her to Yemen, where she now lives and works as a freelance photographer and writer. Despite the crisis around her, the 25-year-old describes Yemen as “the easiest place I have ever worked — especially as a woman.” She adds, “I dress like a local to respect the culture and speak the local dialect, so that helps, but everyone wants their photo taken all the time.” While she photographs across the region from Eritrea to Kurdistan, Alex still works occasional stints as a nurse during visits home to the United States. “I go back to Minnesota to do some nursing work, center myself and see family and friends,” she says. “Personal relationships are important to me, and it’s difficult but essential to stay connected to those who know me the best, especially in this line of work.” Photo by @alexkpotter


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