ウォーリーのインスタグラム(wally_and_molly) - 7月13日 06時11分

Wally and I had a very special day today. "Congresswoman Katherine Clark came to see ME! WALLY! She's sponsoring the Pets and Women Safety (PAWS) Act!" Many people don't know that threatening and/or harming pets is a strategy used by abusers to instill fear and exert control over victims of domestic violence. Some victims stay in the abusive relationship because they don't want to leave their pet in a dangerous situation. To read more about @repkclark's important legislation visit http://mic.com/articles/114448/one-reason-domestic-violence-victims-stay-that-no-one-is-talking-about. Follow @repkclark to learn more about her work in congress! Thank you for a wonderful visit today! #pawsact


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