DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 7月5日 07時47分

Philips Diary: Sunday morning, 6am. Buried under feather down quilt, perfectly snuggled up with my nose in the space between Mums neck and the pillow. Mum jumps out of bed. I count her footsteps to check if she's just going to the bathroom, but the footsteps went further. Out into the lounge, until BAM! A ray of light piercing through my tired eyes. She's turned the light on. Could it be.. No.... She's putting on her shoes. I'm starting to fear the unthinkable whilst telling myself it's just a dream. I remain very still in bed. I hear her thudding around the house and then to my complete devastation she's shouted what I knew all along was coming. The dreaded WALKIEEEESSSS! Darren leaps off the bed like a lion pouncing on its prey, waking up Dad, who at this point becomes my only hope of staying in bed. I look to him, and he looks back. For a second I relax as he places his hand heavily on my head. Phew, I'm safe. Until I hear a loud CLICK in my ear drum. The collar has been put on my neck whilst in my very own bed! I'm devastated. Dad jumps out of bed and that's when I realise it's not just a dream. Before I know it I'm being forced to battle the cold winter morning. I'm numb. My paws move on the cold road one in front of the other... Could this be the worst Sunday of my life? #thestruggleisrealfolks


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