エマニュエル・シュリーキーのインスタグラム(echriqui) - 6月22日 01時58分

Happy father's day to you all! Take a moment to say the words I LOVE YOU. Feels so good. I taught my father to say those words...he was the embodiment of love but had a hard time saying it, then when he started it never stopped:)My father was the most kind, gentle, funny man I have ever known. He taught me to love life, and enjoy life. Always on the ready to pop a bottle of champagne:) He loved to travel, spoke 7 languages and was honestly the best story teller. He inspires me everyday to live to the fullest and to laugh and smile as much as possible!!! I love you Papa...each and every moment of every day. You are by my side always, and your smile still lights up my heart. #overflowing #love #blessed #grateful
Ps, does he not look like he could be in the Colombian cartel??? Ahhh, the 70's:):) xxx


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