Cory Richardsのインスタグラム(coryrichards) - 6月21日 04時09分

"A sick young woman living in a squatter camp in Luanda's Ilha do Cabo throws up an impromptu gesture of peace. The camp was at one time a botanical garden and remnants of the layout are still evident. As soon as we met this family, they seemed immediately desperate to show us their lives...not out of any desire for gain, but more simply to be seen. They wanted to show us their homes, shacks smaller than a child could stand in, tents, and bedding on bare ground. It felt as if we were looking at ghosts of a family too caught up in the drama of their displacing, war-ridden history to be conscious of their desperate present. In all of it, there was an almost incongruous sense of hospitality and warmth. This simple gesture from a young woman closer to death than life shook me, the heart of Angola beating strongly under the hot sun on a Thursday afternoon." Alexandra Fuller


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