Coleen Garciaのインスタグラム(coleen) - 6月16日 16時21分

#STOPYULIN2015 Would you needlessly torture, then eat your own family pets? Here's another thing: would you stand in silence and watch as some strangers steal them from your home and do all of that and more? Over 10,000 dogs are killed every year in Southern China for the annual Yulin Festival. These PETS are SNATCHED from their families and homes, dragged by a rope attached to a car, BOILED ALIVE, SKINNED ALIVE, starved, SET ON FIRE, kept in very small cages, and BEATEN and TORTURED very gruesomely. Again, these are mostly pets that are stolen from their owners!!! I personally think that it is beyond barbaric, inhumane, and utterly disgusting. And more than anything, it just has to be stopped! Animal lovers or not, we weren't given the right to harm such gentle, loving creatures for whatever reason there may be. There are several petitions that you can sign online in order to put a stop to this, before the Yulin Festival on June 21, 2015. Please help raise awareness! The photos we see may be gory, but they're real and they need to end right here. Don't stop the photos or the posts. Stop the violence. ? #STOPYULIN2015 I pray that more countries in the world would have better animal protection laws. ? In the mean time, I urge you all to voice out all your opinions on this, and pray that we all spark change in the hearts of those who can truly end this ? ***I added the link to one of the petitions on my IG Bio!


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