VICEのインスタグラム(vice) - 10月19日 00時55分

The First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, has announced his country is ready to offer asylum to the people of Gaza, making Scotland one of the first countries to welcome Palestinian refugees. ⁠

"We have welcomed those from Syria, from Ukraine, and many other countries, and we must do so again," said Yousaf. “Scotland is willing to be the first country in the UK to offer safety and sanctuary to those who are caught up in these terrible attacks," he added.⁠

He also called upon the international community to "commit to a worldwide refugee programme" for the one million people displaced within Gaza. ⁠

"My brother-in-law is a doctor in Gaza," he said. "When we can get through to him on the phone, he tells of the scenes of absolute carnage. Hospitals are running out of medical supplies, doctors, and nurses having to make the most difficult decision of all: who to treat and who to let die. That can't be allowed, not in this day and age.”


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