Jessicaのインスタグラム(jessleebuchanan) - 7月29日 01時37分

One and done.

My biggest upset is when a man or a woman disregard my personal choice to only have one child.

I give valid, mature, personal reasons as to why I don’t want a second child and every time I express this my words get batted away with “oh that’s selfish” “but Bonnie will be lonely” “you will want another one soon”. It especially irks me when I say I don’t want to be pregnant again and a man goes “that’s what you all say, you’ll have another one”.

Before you say I shouldn’t let this bother me, I cannot help it as I feel I am never heard when this conversation comes up, EVER! It really does bother me.

So if a woman says she’s “one and done” she doesn’t need your opinion on why her personal decision is wrong.



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