イスクラ・ローレンスのインスタグラム(iskra) - 5月23日 11時40分

I’m back. Thank you for giving me grace - I had to step away for a week I know there are people in far more stressful positions, but what everyone goes through is relative so bare with me - this is NOT complaining (I’m well aware of my many privileges) but your girl has been going through it and I just don’t see enough people talking about the toll financial circumstances can take on your mental health and relationships

I want to give you some context. I’m a RISK taker, I love taking huge leaps of faith and usually it works out but I’ve had countless failures also. However being an only child and leaving home at 18 to travel and live all over the world I could take huge risks selfishly, but now I have my own little family who depends on me and I’m going through a phase of regretting some risks I took that got us to this point

Investing in multiple businesses whilst not having a stable income is risky, taking on my biggest renovation project with a contractor I didn’t know (and has truly screwed me - that story time is coming soon) having a baby, moving states, me and P both losing our secure jobs during the pandemic I don’t think I really knew how to say no

This year the mistake I made was not checking that my car installment loan was on auto pay (such a rookie error) and one I hope I can share so you check your cash flow to make sure all your bills are being paid on time because the first thing mortgage underwriters or landlords are gonna check is your credit score and whether you’ve been paying your bills on time. So right now I’m having my rental applications rejected because of my credit, and it’s not ideal :S

But because I talked about this a couple of weeks back I actually had a follower tell their husband who helps with credit repair reach out! Soooo I’ve actually been working with him and it’s slowly but surely improving and I’ll be filling you all in on what we did and if you’re in a situation like me how to fix it

Drop any questions below you know me I’m an open book, I don’t believe in gate keeping information that could help someone else

Also it’s been 6 days since I put these press on nails and they are still *chefs kiss👌


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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